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Best books and YouTube channels for Beginners to get Started in Hacking and Exploit development


To be honest I am self-taught myself and I had problems without formal intuition and guidance where do I start and blah blah. So before drowning in the terminology of books you should learn how real hackers or security researchers work in real life and how did they started themselves and what problem they had so we can save our time.

There are many nice and smart people on YouTube, below are some channels I like and recommend to get intuition and basics until you find a particular field to focus on.

  • LiveOverflow :If you are a complete beginner or have some weird assumption about hacking.
  • OALabs : Mostly Reverse Engineering Binary Exploitation.
  • HACKADAY : Cool hardware hacks and Tips from hackers worldwide

Below are books you must read alongside watching tutorials to get insight and a deeper understanding of how the system and particular piece of software is implemented.

  • Reverse Engineering for Beginners [PDF]: Numerous topics are touched like Oracle RDBMS, Itanium, copy-protection dongles, LD_PRELOAD, stack overflow, ELF, win32 PE file format, x86-64, critical sections, syscalls, TLS, position-independent code (PIC), profile-guided optimization, C++ STL, OpenMP, win32 SEH.

**Watch Dogs Inspired Wireless Hacking Drone Using a Pineapple Nano for Beginners Fun and Inspiration**

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